
Jon Foreman
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When you're face down at the very bottom of who you are, and there is no formality or pretence to cling to, all your masks fall off. In this broken place, our lives can be seen for what they are, no more no less; we are ourselves.
If we spend out time obsessing with the future or regretting the past, then we will never live. Tomorrow will always be tomorrow and yesterday cannot be changed.


Well, the funny thing is, you are never the same person that you were the day before. 


You walk along sunset and you can feel the energy… something intangible in the air. All that motion and no real change. We're all thirsty for it: thirsty for life, true love, meaning, the kingdom of the heavens… for the water that breathes new life inside.


I used to think that great art happened without argument, and maybe that's not the case. Maybe the things that are most important in this life, you have to fight for.


Every day of your life, you change the world. Absolutely, yes, we're out to change the world. I mean, you change it whether you like it or not. You wake up and you talk to the grocer. You either kick your dog or you pet him. There's a million decisions you have every day where you change the world.


My friends, there is a big difference between the way this world should be and the way it is.

A Brief Biography
Name: Jonathan Mark Foreman
Born: October 22nd 1976 in San Bernardino, California
Family: Mark & Jan Foreman (parents); Tim Foreman (brother); Emily Foreman (spouse, married Jan. 2002); Tim's baby (nephew)
Education: Pursuing an Econmics Degree at UCSD
Musical Influence(s): U2, The Police, The Beatles, Bach, Ronnie Jordan, Miles Davis
Musical Education/History: Participated in bands in the past such as a Led Zeppelin cover band and the bands "Joker's Wild" and "Etc."
Contributions: The books, The Art of Being and New Way to be Human. The A Walk To Remember soundtrack with Switchfoot, and dueting with Mandy Moore. Some work with the band Noise Ratchet, as well as Charlie Peacock. 
Pet peeve: When things are too hectic
Bad habit: Biting his nails
Hobbies: Surfing, Soccer
Invisible for a day, where would he go: "I'd like to go to Nevada somewhere, where they alledgedly keep all the UFO's and stuff."
Best practical joke played on him: "Maybe I've repressed those memories. I don't remember any."
On his lunchbox when he was a kid: "Benji. I had a trashcan to match, which I still have to this day."
Heros: Bono from U2
Role Models: CS Lewis, 9th grade History teacher, father, Jesus

Favorite things:
Dessert: Ice Cream (any flavor)
Cereal: Doesn't usually have breakfast, but if he did, Quaker 100% natural granola
Movie: Life is Beautiful
Rainy Day past time: A game called Dice, or surfing
Fast food place: Taco Bell
Vacation spot: North Shore of Oahu, Hawaii
Toothpaste: Whatever is on sale
Song from The Beautiful Letdown: 24 "I wrote the song when I was 24, which is the reason for the title.  The song is about my fragmented life and how I need God to make me whole, instead of living with holes inside my heart."
Holiday: Christmas
High School job: Tutoring kids
Information provided by The Fallout - thanks guys! &

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