Tim Foreman:
Well Jon and I met mutually through our parents when he was 2 and I was 0, you see we're brothers
I think if you're going to be on the road 355 days out of the year and just really pouring your heart into the music,
it's got to be songs that you're passionate about. I don't think any of us could do this for four albums if we didn't believe
in it.
We want to play concrete girl....we really do....but when we try we kinda feel like a Switchfoot cover band
Onstage if I'm playing a show and someone jumps onstage to attack me.
You know, how am I going to handle that? All I have in my hand is a bass guitar. That became my protection; it became for
me I guess, um, my liberty, my freedom.
It changes the way…the dynamic of the band when it's 4 guys and
a gorElla instead of 5 guys.
Interviewer- Low Carb or low fat?
Jon- I don’t understand
the question.
Tim- Do they have that at Taco Bell?
It's kind of typical at the end of a tour that bands that are touring
together start playing pranks on each other, especially the last night of a tour. And the last night of a tour anything can
happen, and everyone's ready for it. And so we were touring with [another band] two years ago, and it was the last night,
and they came out during our set dressed up in crazy outfits and playing drums and different things... So we thought, "OK,
we'll get them back." So they were playing in the middle of their set, and we sneaked under their backdrop, and we're going
to run out in these big sombreros. We came out during the wrong song and so we tried to sneak back under, no one in the crowd
saw us, but their drummer saw us. So he's playing this song, and he's looking at us, and he's pointing with his stick trying
to get the bass player to see us. And he's saying, "Pour water on them, pour water on them," while he's playing. And the bass
player is saying, "What? All right." So the bass player goes to the stage hand and says, "Our drummer wants you to go pour
water on him, I don't understand it." So here comes the stage hand with a big two gallon container of water and just dumps
it on their drummer, and the drummer is hitting him with his sticks saying: "No, no." It gets all over his drums all over
his symbols. So the rest of the set water is going everywhere. So we figured we might not even want to come out after that.
fell asleep during our set, for those of you who know Chad, you
are aware of his tremendous sleeping powers.
The interviewer asks about goals, Jon's goal is to just be himself,
Tim answers, "My goal is to be Jon.”
A lot of kids won't go to their parents when they have a problem. I've
found that's pretty much always the best place to go. My mom and my dad always have the most wise insights that pretty much
everything I deal with.
Don't allow yourself to become hard or jaded-- seek truth with a passion!
You will find truth if you seek it, but you first decide if it is really truth that you are seeking. If it is, be prepared
to be found.
The irony of the statement, "Living is simple" ...we just look at the
world around us, and the contradiction is painful and clear: living is not at all simple. In fact, living is very difficult
and complex, and the truth is stranger than fiction. We catch the humor, but it's not that funny. But wait—even amidst
the confusion of the confusion of life we see God's redemptive plan at work. In fact, his plan is far stranger than anything
that we have ever encountered. "Is this fiction? Hope has given himself to the worst. Is this fiction? Of divine comedy
where the last of the last finish first.” (Referencing the song “Living Is Simple” from Learning To Breathe)
I think the most difficult things that we sacrifice are the things
that we have to sacrifice daily.
There is this duck that went to a bar and asked the guy 'Do you have
apples?' and the guy said no ,then the next day the duck came back and asked the guy 'Do you have apples?’, and he said
no, so the next 10 minutes he came back and asked again, the guy said if you come and ask me that one more time I am going
to nail your feet to the wall so that everyone would see, so no one saw the duck for 3 months and then he came back and asked
the guy 'Do you have any nails?' and he said no so then the duck said "Good, do you have any apples?”
Greetings and happy Easter, I hope this post finds you well. We are enjoying a wonderful
Easter here in Michigan -- so refreshed! Today is our first day off in over
3 weeks, and combined with the fact that we are celebrating the resurrection, I am filled with Joy and renewed. Thank you
for coming out to the shows to say hello; it's been an amazing tour for us. It is so encouraging to see and feel your support
for what we are doing. More than ever before, we realize that we truly are a family. Do not be discouraged by the few who
have simply misunderstood us and our motives -- we are not discouraged. We are neither concerned with defending ourselves,
nor are we here to please people. We are convinced, more than ever before, that we are exactly where we are supposed to be.
We have, however, noticed that you have been quick to defend us on our behalf, and we're thankful that there are so many who
understand what we're doing. We have seen firsthand, through numerous encounters that our songs are impacting people, and
we are more united than ever before. That said, we covet your prayers. This tour schedule is relentless, and it has taken
its toll on us physically and spiritually. This past week, I have been sicker than I can ever remember being, and I lost my
voice for 5 days straight. Most of the other guys have also been fighting sicknesses for most of the tour. Today is a much-needed
day off. So friends, a lot has changed, and a lot has stayed the same. We now have a lot more listeners and a much busier
schedule, but we're still the same band: 4 imperfect kids playing songs that mean the world to us, wearing our hearts on our
sleeves, and guaranteed to let you down. Another thing that hasn't changed: we're still so proud to be your band and to call
you friends. We're in this together, and I couldn't imagine it any other way. Much love, Tim
We're Christian by faith, not by genre.